➳Good Overall Health We do not keep a dog that has a chronic health problem, autoimmune disease, skin allergy, or food allergy in our breeding program. We run yearly bloodwork & urinalysis on our adult dogs to monitor their overall health.
➳Sound Structure & Functional Conformation A dog that is not "built right" is more prone to injury. That's why we prioritize conformation and work to improve it with each breeding. We also exhibit our dogs at AKC Conformation shows to have their structure judged against others in the breed. ➳ Well-tempered, Intelligent, and Stable We take pride in how versatile and trainable our dogs are. Life is easier with a smart, well-adjusted dog. We are extremely picky about temperament. The dogs that we select to keep in our breeding program must be easy to train, friendly, good with other dogs, gentle when they need to be, not too wild, not too lazy, and able to connect with humans.