Therapy DogsLabradors generally make wonderful therapy dogs due to their upbeat personalities, trainability, and love for humans. Additional traits that make a great therapy dog prospect include an extremely gentle, calm, fearless, and affectionate demeanor. In each litter we have, there are typically one or two puppies that display those traits more strongly than their littermates. I try to place those special puppies with handlers as therapy dog “prospects”.
I certified my first therapy dog in 2018, since then we have enjoyed making visits to nursing homes and long-term care facilities regularly. It is heartwarming to witness the comfort that the presence of a therapy dog brings to many of the residents. The presence of the dog tends to bring back memories of the pets they once had, and really seems to lift their spirits! If you have the heart of a volunteer and a knack for training dogs, I encourage you to get involved in volunteer dog therapy! It is incredibly rewarding. We offer special consideration & a discount to puppy families who have a history of being involved in therapy work. |